Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Tamworth Country Music Festival This January

If music gigs are your vice, then make sure you’re in NSW between 15 – 24 January 2016 for the Toyota Country Music Festival. As Australia’s largest music shin dig, you can enjoy 10 days with over 700 artists and 2800 events. That’s a lot of music, activities and musicians so remember to follow the official organiser’s tweets and keep up to speed on new artists in the lineup & venues. To date, the South Tamworth Bowling Club, The Pub Group and Wests Entertainment Group are on board. Depending on venue and artist, ticket prices vary from $7.00 to $150. You can check the ticketing page for the full run down calendar including performers such as Paul Costa, Macca & Friends, Simon & Garfunkel – The Concert, Guy Sebastian and Troy Cassar.
Take into account Tamworth is over 4 hours drive from Cremorne Point so you may need to organise accommodation while you’re there, especially if an 8 hour day’s worth of driving round trip isn’t something you’d appreciate. There are numerous hotels, B&B’s and motels listed on their website alongside caravan and camping facilities. The website provides full information including camping prices, location information and booking contacts.

If you want to be involved in the festival and are a budding or professional busker, then get ready to join around 600 other buskers, performing in Peel Street, aka, Boulevard of Dreams. Talented buskers will be acting up in the hope they’re spotted and rocketed to musical stardom. Big names such as Keith Urban and Beccy Cole were buskers on Peel Street so the odds of being discovered are in your favour. Then again, if you simply want to busk for the fun of it, go right ahead. Remember to contact the organizers to secure your spot and officially register. You can’t busk unless you are registered so don’t try sneak in or you could be barred. You can find more information about this in the ‘get involved’ page.

The festival is also ideal for families and there are many activities for under 18 year olds. The website states clearly which events are for kids versus adults so check the listings. The organisers will also be setting up a family zone with rides and entertainment for the little ones to exhaust themselves, daily. 

Finally, if you’re a super music fan and some of your favourite artists are performing, check the Fanzone website (featured in the FAQ). You’ll be able to hob nob with these musicians and banter with them. When you’re finally wiped out and returning back to Sydney, remember to book your stay at Cremorne Point Manor. The views of the Harbour are stunning and as our rates are kinder on your credit card than downtown hotel prices, it’ll be music to your ears.

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