Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Tech Early Adopters Expo in Sydney

From the 5th - 7th May, CeBIT’s global business technology event takes place at Sydney Olympic Park. If you think Silicon Valley is still the mecca of all things hardware, software and Bitcoin…then think again. As the Valley loses its heavy weight status from not innovating against the curve, other countries are now brilliantly paving the way for technology break throughs - Sydney included.

CeBIT attracts over 20,000 visitors with the country’s top 200 companies and 6,000 business leaders. It’s not on CES’s mega level but there are an impressive 450 exhibitors (30% international) and attendees from over 30 countries.  Are you a true entrepreneur, even in the making? Then you can brain storm and chat with around 200 innovators at this event.

Even though the keynotes and panelists are primarily headlined from the US, the core focus is on Australian tech pioneers.  From Google X to RedBalloon and Open Stack to AOL, hear how they’ve paved the way for you to now take the entrepreneurial baton and launch or scale your business.

Some of the themes for this year include mobile, automation industry, cloud and digital/social engagement. With major companies experiencing hacking that’s compromised consumer privacy, cyber security is also at the forefront of a theme discussion. Maybe you’re a B2B company, looking to work with the government? These movers & shakers will be attending in full force so this is your time to fine tune that 1 minute elevator pitch. They have major IT budgets and your start up could be exactly who they’re looking to partner with or acquire.

Check the full schedule including the 7th May ‘Internet of Things’ line up. The words ‘disruptor,’ ‘game changer’ and ‘thought leaders’ are constantly incorrectly, over used. But by attending this full day of panels and Q&A sessions, you can start to fine tune your ideas and see if it is unique, your business model is viable and how you can develop your innovation. You’ll be too busy networking to be focusing on buzzwords, right?

This event attracts many guests to our boutique Sydney hotel so remember to book your room quickly at Cremorne Point Manor.  If you’re on a tighter budget yet want to stay nearby, check our sister hotel for availability: Glenferrie Lodge. Both hotels are not far from the venue so enjoy winding down after a long few days and reset your genius-entrepreneurial creativity.

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