Monday, December 1, 2014

We Are Sailing…We Are Sailing

For all water sport fans, if you’re in Sydney from 12 – 14 December, get ready to ride the wave…or watch it. For the first time, the Extreme Sailing Series hits Sydney Harbour in this grand finale for the 2014 season where the pro’s will compete for the coveted trophy. Some of the best sailing teams from around the globe (including the Australian flagged squad of GAC Pindar) will go head to head on identical extreme 40 catamarans. Their route will include maneuvering around tactical courses that are so close to the shore line, you’ll get the best seat in the house.

In its eighth year, over the past 11 months, tour locations have included the UK, France, Singapore and Russia, with the finale now reaching Sydney.  The end location choice is ideal based on the city’s miles of ocean coastline and sandy surf beaches, oh, and incredible weather since it’s now summer in Australia. 

The Series will be held by the Harbour between Garden Island and the Opera House. The organizers highly suggest you hop over to the Race Village at Mrs Macquire’s Point but for all Cremorne Point Manor guests, you have one of the best views in the house from the Point at Sydney’s North Shore. You’re guaranteed exceptional views!
If you do head to the official Race Village in the Royal Botanic Gardens, you can bring your own food & drinks or support local businesses from buying at their stands. There will be activities and entertainment, courtesy of sponsor Land Rover along with live commentary and replays & live coverage on the big screen. Not only a family friendly event, the Series is ideal for business travellers who are looking for unique events to entertain clients so keep that in mind.
On Friday the 12th, the Race Village opens 10.30am and for all three days, stadium racing is from 2.00 – 5.00pm. On Sunday the 14th at 5.30pm, the prize giving for Act 8 and Extreme Sailing Series is at 5.30pm so mark that in your calendars.
If you’re a major water buff fan, you can also volunteer and be officially classified as an ambassador of the Series. Working alongside a top tier team, this is the time to develop new sailing skills and meet some of the best sailors in the world. As an added bonus, you’ll also receive a certificate of participation which is fantastic for students who require such credentials for university submissions. Since the event’s nearly upon us, you’ll need to email quickly for potential volunteer spaces or fill the online form.
For anyone staying at Cremorne Point Manor during this fantastic weekend, let us know if you need advice or help in finding the best spots to watch the Series!

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