Taronga zoo, which is very close by to the hotel, just had an article published in the local newspaper (Mosman Daily). I thought i'd share it with you, It seems it's better to be an animal in the zoo than a Patient in Sydney Hospitals.
Taronga takes top care
ANIMALS at Taronga Zoo are about 20,000 times less likely to become ill due to errors in their care than humans in hospitals, a zoo life sciences expert, Cameron Kerr, has claimed.
His comments come after zoo staff and executives were completely exonerated by an RSPCA inquiry into deaths at the zoo and possible links to a lack of health and veterinary care for the animals.
The inquiry, conducted by the RSPCA's chief inspector David O'Shannessy, found no evidence of cruelty in the animals' veterinary records or in keeping standards.
Mr Kerr said the report was welcome after media speculation that recent deaths - including an African elephant at Western Plains and a one-horned rhinoceros called Kua at Taronga - called into question the dedication and professionalism of keepers.
``We have incredibly high standards in providing holistic care for our animals, including specialist veterinary services, world-class animal husbandry, behavioural enrichment, pathology services and habitat-based homes,'' he said.
Mr Kerr reiterated that zoo staff, especially the animals' keepers, mourned the recent deaths.
They had been given extensive veterinary and keeper care throughout their illnesses.
In June, CEO Guy Cooper rejected calls for any independent inquiry saying the zoo's international reputation ``remained intact''.
He utterly rejected suggestions the deaths may have been caused by underfeeding or keeper carelessness.
He said the claims were ``baseless and inaccurate''.
``We are continuing our work because we are going to be a liferaft for near-extinct species an insurance policy for species under threat.'' The United Nations is predicting that to 30 per cent of the world's existing species will disappear by 2050.
Mr Cooper said the zoo managed a total of 4000 animals, had 10 vets on staff and more than 600 employees.