Wednesday, December 5, 2007

The Mini Van with Logo's

It's  silly how much a mini van with some stickers actually makes me happy, but here it is. 

Regular hotel Guests

One of the best parts of living about working on Cremorne point and at the hotel, is the chance to feed our regular guests. We have between 2 to 16 of these rainbow lorikeets that visit the Manor daily, Some of them are so friendly that they will feed out of your hand.

Sunday, December 2, 2007


This is big news, After 2 years and countless hours from many many people. We are now an official 4 star hotel. Well guesthouse to be exact as Australia has funny names and calls pubs, hotels. But we are 4 Star. and I think well deserved for that recognition.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Courtesy Shuttle

Our little minivan is now operational. We don't have the logo's on as yet but it's working and guests seem to love it. I'll post some photo's once the car has all the fancy logo's emblazoned. It's very handy for the busy friday evening and weekend wedding crowd, who need to be moved short distances but in a hurry (we don't want brides to be late to their event -and yes we have saved a few in the past)

Bicycles for Hire

I've had this idea that it would be really nice to be able to provide bicycles for guests to hire during their stay at the hotel. I've finally taken the plunge and bought a pair of quality hybrid bicycles for guests. They will be stored at the manor and I'm intrigued to know whether it will be popular. I think that during the summer months it will be very nice to have the service available for the guests, but only time will tell. It would be nice to ride to Taronga or to Balmoral.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Cremorne Wharf

Yes it's finally open, Looks like they have taken the old sunken one and rebuilt it. Rather than a completely new one, However
it is up an running so anyone coming to stay at the cremorne point manor and planning to come by ferry, do not fear, it is back in place and running as usual, which is basically every half hour.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

A local blogger Visit's the point

As I work on Cremorne point I tend to get a little oblivious to the fact it's such a beautiful place. I was surfing for information on the point and found a Blog written by an American who has temporarily moved to Sydney, In her adventures she stumbled across the point, here is the link to her blog

Mom Down Under

Sydney. The world's best City!

We knew it all along, but the readers of Conde Nast Traveller magazine have just confirmed it:

Sydney voted world's best city
From correspondents in London
September 05, 2007 07:52am
Article from: AAP

SYDNEY might seem more like a security fortress than an ideal holiday destination as APEC rolls into town, but travellers have voted it the best city in the world.

A survey of 30,000 readers of luxury travel bible Conde Nast Traveller put Sydney in first spot for favourite overseas city, ahead of Paris, New York and Rome.

Australia ranked fourth in the countries category behind India, Italy and Thailand, while the Great Barrier Reef was named the 10th best island destination in the world.

Sydney, which ranked third in last year's survey, impressed travellers for being the most clean and user-friendly city as well as having the best restaurants.

"I'm delighted that readers of Conde Nast Traveller voted Sydney their favourite overseas city," editor Sarah Miller said.

"They think that it is fantastic for its friendly people but they really adore the varied cuisines on offer, with the city scoring the highest for food.

"As somebody who loves Sydney, I thoroughly endorse the readers' choice."

Saturday, September 1, 2007

APEC, The alternative

This week has been rather hectic at the hotel as we are located in that space that is close enough to the city but not within it. With the impending road closures(government website link), many people are choosing to stay near the city but not having to deal with the security, protesters and the leaders. Fortunately the Ferry is still running.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Ohh to live at the zoo

Taronga zoo, which is very close by to the hotel, just had an article published in the local newspaper (Mosman Daily). I thought i'd share it with you, It seems it's better to be an animal in the zoo than a Patient in Sydney Hospitals.

Taronga takes top care


ANIMALS at Taronga Zoo are about 20,000 times less likely to become ill due to errors in their care than humans in hospitals, a zoo life sciences expert, Cameron Kerr, has claimed.

His comments come after zoo staff and executives were completely exonerated by an RSPCA inquiry into deaths at the zoo and possible links to a lack of health and veterinary care for the animals.

The inquiry, conducted by the RSPCA's chief inspector David O'Shannessy, found no evidence of cruelty in the animals' veterinary records or in keeping standards.

Mr Kerr said the report was welcome after media speculation that recent deaths - including an African elephant at Western Plains and a one-horned rhinoceros called Kua at Taronga - called into question the dedication and professionalism of keepers.

``We have incredibly high standards in providing holistic care for our animals, including specialist veterinary services, world-class animal husbandry, behavioural enrichment, pathology services and habitat-based homes,'' he said.

Mr Kerr reiterated that zoo staff, especially the animals' keepers, mourned the recent deaths.

They had been given extensive veterinary and keeper care throughout their illnesses.

In June, CEO Guy Cooper rejected calls for any independent inquiry saying the zoo's international reputation ``remained intact''.

He utterly rejected suggestions the deaths may have been caused by underfeeding or keeper carelessness.

He said the claims were ``baseless and inaccurate''.

``We are continuing our work because we are going to be a liferaft for near-extinct species an insurance policy for species under threat.'' The United Nations is predicting that to 30 per cent of the world's existing species will disappear by 2050.

Mr Cooper said the zoo managed a total of 4000 animals, had 10 vets on staff and more than 600 employees.

Wharf Update

The Sydney Ferries have posted a short but sweet information bulletin about the wharf, See below. Anyway it basically says the 2 wharves (cremorne point and Old cremorne) are only 700 meters away from each other. and the hotel is betwen the two.

Cremorne Point Ferry Wharf Closed until further notice

Start: 18/6/2007 6:00AM
Sydney Ferries advises customers that:
Cremorne Point Ferry Wharf is closed until further notice due to weather affected damage.
Sydney Ferries advises customers to alight the Mosman ferry service at Old Cremorne Wharf and walk to Cremorne Point or to make alternative travel arrangements.
The walk from Old Cremorne Wharf to Cremorne Point Wharf is approximately 700 metres.
Alternatively, passengers can catch the Route 225 bus during off peak time to the Neutral Bay Wharf on Hayes Street and commute to the city on the Neutral Bay service. Sydney Buses will accept Sydney Ferries tickets on the Route 225 bus.
Sydney Ferries apologises for any inconvenience and thanks passengers for their patience and understanding.
For more detailed service information please see the trip planner on the website, or for further information about this service disruption call the Transport Infoline on 131 50
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Saturday, August 25, 2007


For a small hotel', we don't have the budget for advertising, so when we were recently reviewed by the Australian (the biggest newspaper in the country, we were really happy. I've included a link to the article. The Australian. 'Bay' Hidden Treasure'

Where is the Wharf

Even though the hotel has another wharf which is actually closer, the sinking of the Cremorne point whaf has attracted a lot of attention from the media, And of course the idea that they would be able to refloat the Wharf in a few days is basically 'pie in the sky. My question is, the wharf was in pretty poor shape to begin with, Are they going to just patch up the old one and wait for this to happen again or are they actually going to build something better (not likely is my guess)

Anyway here is a photo of where it stood

and PS if you are planning to come to the hotel the 'old cremorne' wharf is actually closer. I'll publish a post with the new directions

The hotel

First post

well This is the first post for the Cremorne Point manor blog. I'm planning to use this blog to keep friends and guests up to date with all of the happenings for the Hotel at Cremorne point and also the local area. As a basic intro. I am one of the owners and managers of the hotel (see the website for more info: Cremorne Point Manor
I am new to the whole blogging thing but as time passes I'll work out how to add photo's and also take feeback and posts from other people. In the meantime I'd appreciate any submissions and in the meantime if you've stumbled across this blog randomly, check out the hotel.